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Running projects

" SMART Plant Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture " MEYS, CZ.02.01.01/00/23_020/0008497 (2024-2028)


MycoLife - World of fungi. CAS, AV21 Strategy research programme (2024-2028)


Custom-made bacteriophage-based cocktails for protection of greenhouse tomatoes from bacterial diseases, TAČR, TQ03000088, Tetiana Kalachova (2024-2025)

Dissecting of the compounds of non-host resistance to L. maculans in Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica carinata using genome-wide associted study, MEYS, Lenka Burketová (2023-2024)

TowArds Next GENeration Crops (TANGENC). MEYS, CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004581 (2024-2028).


Finished projects

Centre for Experimental Plant Biology, MEYS, EF16_019/0000738 (2018-2023)

Salicylic acid binding proteins in growth/defence trade-off, CAS Mobility Plus, CNRS-22-02, Tetiana Kalachova (2022-2023)

Support for the process of commercializing the results of research and development at the Institute of Experimental botany AS CR,  v.v.i., TAČR, TP01010037 (2020 – 2022)

Role of diacylglycerol-kinases in the plant unfolded protein response, MEYS, 8J20FR032, Tetiana Kalachova (2020-2022)​


Compatibility characterization of the relationship between originators of blackleg stem disease and varieties of winter oilseed rape as a basis for increasing the profitability of that crop in the Czech Republic, MZE NAZV, QK1710397, Lenka Burketová (2017-2021)

Environmental impact of noble metal nanoparticlesCSF, GA17-10907S, Lenka Burketová (2017-2019)


Plant defence system in multiple parallel biotic stresses on the model interaction: Brassica napus – Leptosphaeria maculans – insect pests, MEYS, LTC17013, Lenka Burketová (2017-2019)

Phospholipid metabolizing enzymes as new components of salicylic acid signalling pathway, CSF, GA17-05151S, Jan Martinec/Lenka Burketová (2017-2019)

Support for the process commercializing the results of research and development at the Institute of Experimental Botany AS CR, v.v.i., Technology Agency of the Czech Republic,TG03010009 (2016 – 2019)

Selection of rhizobacterial communities associated with differences in plant resistance to pathogens, MEYS, 7AMB17FR006, Lenka Burketová, (2017-2018)

Fungal effectors manipulating plant defence systemCSF, GA13-26798S, Lenka Burketová (2013-2017) 

Biosyntéza auxinů askomycetou Leptosphaeria maculans a vliv těchto hormonů na průběh infekce hostitelské rostliny, GAUK, Hana Leontovyčová (2016-2017)


Phospholipid signaling and interaction with microtubule/actin cytoskeleton in biotic stress response of Arabidopsis thaliana, CSF, GAP501/11/1654 (2011-2014)


The role of antimicrobial peptides in plant defense against pathogenic microorganisms, CSF (2009-2013)


Genotypová diverzita a morfologická variabilita populace Mycosphaerela graminicola, identifikace genů rezistence pšenice a studium obranných reakcí pro využití v kontrole braničnatky pšeničné, MZE NAZV (2008-2012)


Signalling pathways in defence response of rapeseed against serious pathogens, CSF (2008-2012)


Využití biotechnologických postupů pro zvýšení odolnosti řepky proti fomové hnilobě, MZE NAZV (2008-2012)


Biostimulátory a induktory rezistence biologického původu u obilovin a olejnin, MZE NAZV (2007-2011)




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