Laboratoř patofyziologie rostlin
Induced resistance in plants
Induced resistance is a recent phenomenon but its practical use is still limited by lower effects when compared with "traditional" pesticides.
We are interested in discovering new elicitors from various sources that can be used to protect crops from diseases. Searching for resistance-inducing compounds of natural origin currently represents a hot topic, because of both pesticide-use regulations and consumers' demand for healthy food. Sources of elicitors are diverse; one group is substance of natural origin, e.g. biowaste-derived hydrolysates, animal protein hydrolysates, plant extract, algae extract; second group is compounds of pathogen origin, e.g. cell wall compounds, extracellular molecules.
We have already described elicitor properties of β-aminobutyric acid (Šašek et al., 2012), trisacharide isolated from L. maculans (Kim et al., 2013), an antimicrobial peptide anoplin (Jindřichová et al., 2014), saponin aescin (Trda et al., 2019).

SBO treatment activates plant immune system, it can be assumed that the reduction of spread of the pathogen within plant tissues is due to the establishment of induced resistance