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Impact of nanoparticles on plant immunity


Nanoparticles (NPs) are released into environment from the products of human action (sunscreens, antimicrobial reagents, pollutants from factories or cars, old electronic waste, etc). Nowadays, the as the presence of nanoparticles increases, it gets more important to know their impact on living organisms. 

We concentrate on the impact of noble metals nanoparticles of zero valency (Au, Ag, Pd, Pt) of various size, shape and concentration on physiological parameters of plants and their pathogens.

We study an uptake and distribution of nanoparticles in plants on cellular and whole plant level; an activation of defence mechanisms and the changes in plant susceptibility/resistance to subsequent infection by pathogenic microorganisms.  On the other hand, we are interested in the direct antimicrobial effect of nanoparticles on phytopathogens (P. syringae, L. maculans) and on natural soil rhizobiome

PdNPs 40 ± 10 nm.png

PdNPs, 40 ± 10 nm

AuNPs 42,2 ± 2,3 nm.png

AuNPs, 42 ± 2 nm


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